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Old 10-23-2008, 06:03 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by DrjonesUSA View Post
They are two totally different devices and you 128mb on the BOLD vs. 8 or 16GB on the iPhone.
I'm a little confused by this statement...
I know that there is 128mb RAM on the Bold as well as 1GB onboard storage capacity, and the memory card slot will take the current 16gb cards, and hopefully the 32gb cards when they come out.

I thought the 8gb or 16gb on the iPhone was storage and the RAM is also 128mb? My computer has only 1gb of RAM so I find it hard to believe that the iPhone would have 16gb of RAM...!
My other (main) phone is a Nokia N82.
Now if only someone can combine a Bold and an N82 and I'll have my perfect phone
Old 10-23-2008, 03:08 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Emboldened View Post
I'm a little confused by this statement...
I know that there is 128mb RAM on the Bold as well as 1GB onboard storage capacity, and the memory card slot will take the current 16gb cards, and hopefully the 32gb cards when they come out.

I thought the 8gb or 16gb on the iPhone was storage and the RAM is also 128mb? My computer has only 1gb of RAM so I find it hard to believe that the iPhone would have 16gb of RAM...!

Apple's tech spec page: Apple - iPhone - Technical Specifications

lists only 8 or 16GB of flash drive memory - it says nothing about RAM/ROM, etc. I assume that is the same as the new solid state hard drives - so essentially, the iPhone has a tiny solid state hard drive in it.

I would assume that to mean that ALL of the storage on the iPod is available for calendar, emails, contacts, as well as apps, music, etc.

Assuming I'm correct (and I have never read anything about the iPhone having RAM) there really is no comparison between the Bold & iPhone because the cards you can put into the Bold are still only for media - you cannot use it as system memory in any way.

With how ridiculously cheap memory is these days, it is stupefying that RIM absolutely cripples its devices with so little memory.

It really was an issue for me with my Curve as I'd notice a significant decrease in performance as the sys mem grew smaller.

Also, I have never heard of any memory leak on the iPhone. I wonder if they have fixed this big problem on the Bold OS.......
Old 10-23-2008, 04:15 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by DrjonesUSA View Post
Apple's tech spec page: Apple - iPhone - Technical Specifications

lists only 8 or 16GB of flash drive memory - it says nothing about RAM/ROM, etc. I assume that is the same as the new solid state hard drives - so essentially, the iPhone has a tiny solid state hard drive in it.
A hard drive is storage space, RAM is different, I find it hard to believe that the iPhone would have 16gb of RAM when I've never come across a home computer with that much!

I would assume that to mean that ALL of the storage on the iPod is available for calendar, emails, contacts, as well as apps, music, etc.

Assuming I'm correct (and I have never read anything about the iPhone having RAM) there really is no comparison between the Bold & iPhone because the cards you can put into the Bold are still only for media - you cannot use it as system memory in any way.
Now this is more likely and much more useful.... if you can install 16gb worth of apps, it is definitely a good thing. I wonder if the Samsung Omnia and the Nokia N96 (both with 16gb built-in storage) can do the same ?

With how ridiculously cheap memory is these days, it is stupefying that RIM absolutely cripples its devices with so little memory.

It really was an issue for me with my Curve as I'd notice a significant decrease in performance as the sys mem grew smaller.
The problem seems to be the available app space and wherever it does it's processing (a la the windows paging file perhaps?). I think the Bold has 128mb for apps which should be ok but long term, depending on what apps come out, who knows? The Bold's actual RAM is 128mb. I've only come across one phone that has 256mb RAM. Phones (like computers) will load in applications on boot up - just look at task manager on your PC and you'll see how much RAM is free. I have only 200mb free.

BlackBerry Bold 9000 - Full phone specifications

I'm not sure if the 1gb storage includes email storage etc... that would be great... I havent put anything on that 1gb of my phone, yet it is showing around 20-30mb used so perhaps it does.

Also, I have never heard of any memory leak on the iPhone. I wonder if they have fixed this big problem on the Bold OS.......
iPhone has no memory leaks because it doesn't multitask, so it's hardly likely to come across problems with memory .... I guess it depends if you want to multitask or not. I'm sure someone can make an app that resides in the background and closes each app when you press the escape or red button... that would probably solve it.
My other (main) phone is a Nokia N82.
Now if only someone can combine a Bold and an N82 and I'll have my perfect phone

Last edited by Emboldened; 10-23-2008 at 04:24 PM..
Old 01-14-2009, 11:17 PM   #44
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Default Tried the Bold, went back to the iPhone

This is not meant to be a flame or to open up another can of worms, just thought it might be helpful to those people who are considering a Bold who already have an iPhone. If you are already a Blackberry user then I think the Bold is an awesome upgrade.

I will start this by saying I really wanted to like the Bold. I absolutely love the screen (way better than the iPhone) and I love push email (gmail on the iPhone is a pain on manual, and crushes the battery on "fetch"). I will also say that I have a blackberry Curve for work (that I really like) and am currently using the iPhone for my personal info (to "separate Church and State" so to speak).

I decided to try the Bold for 3 reasons: Screen, push email and ability to tether my laptop (macbook). I went back to the iPhone for 3 reasons: internet, applications and digital media integration.

The Bold's screen is the BEST I have ever seen, period. Sharpest, brightest. Stunning. It has to be seen to be believed.

The push email setup (BIS) was a little bit of a pain compared to my history of just using a Blackberry on a BES. I had to go the AT&T website to change my signature, to stop it from emailing me a copy of every sent email to my inbox, and a bunch of other setting adjustments. I found it to be annoying and confusing. Blackberry Forums and crackberry were very helpful in getting it set-up. However, once set-up, push email on a blackberry is un-rivaled. It just works, and often gets there faster than to the desktop inbox. So impressive.

Tethering was a little challenging but I think the Mac makes it a little easier. Got it to work via bluetooth in about 10 minutes and was getting 530kb down and 120kb up. Not too shabby.

So the Bold delivered on all 3 items I was asking of it. Why did I switch back to the iPhone then?

For 3 reasons:

1) Internet/Browsing is flat out horrible on the Blackberry. I had heard that 4.6 was a quantum leap forward for RIMM's Browser but it took the same amount of time to load websites on my Curve (EDGE) as it did on the Bold (with a 3G connection). On Wi-Fi it took a full minute longer to load a webpage than on the iPhone. That isn't a typo; 60 seconds longer with both the iPhone and Bold on wi-fi. The Bold kept saying "requesting", "running javascript", etc. Brutal. And when it does load the page, the formatting still isn't right. The zooming in is very hard to use. FWIW, I was using the "Internet Browser" and had it set to "Blackberry" emulation. I had heard that was the fastest setting.

2) Applications. I know that Blackberry is going to launch their own application store but I kept looking at the device and wishing I had my weather channel app, or my FieldRunners game, or my dual-level, or any of the other 40 apps I have downloaded for free. Maybe Blackberry has all these apps but I didn't know where to get them if they do. The iTunes app store has become a real differentiator.

3) Media Integration is still very poor on the Blackberry. Yes, you can xfer files to the media card but it is very clumsy and I have the same 60 songs on the memory card in my Curve that I put on it a year ago. It is one thing to get the songs/movies onto the card, but it is another to freshen the playlists up. It just can't be done easily, so you likely don't end up doing it at all. I like having 1 device to go to the gym, email, calendar, internet, etc. The Bold could be that device if the iTunes integration software worked better (or at all for the Mac) but as of now, it just can't match the iPhone.

A couple of other random points for potential buyers:
1) The mac integration blows. I knew that pocketmac was a wildcard going in so I don't fault the Bold for this, but RIMM really needs to get with the program here. Come up with some Mac apps. Synching my contacts was brutal and tested my patience. Finally got it to sync at 11:30pm (3hrs in) by eliminating the "synch pictures" option in address book. Use bootcamp in Windows for your Bold if you are a Mac person. Don't even try the pocketmac software.

2) Keyboard. I actually prefer the curve's keyboard to the Bold's keyboard. It reminded me too much of the 8800 keyboard (which I had on launch day and hated). The keys are too close together and I found myself making a lot more mistakes than I do on the Curve or the iPhone. I also like the way the iPhone auto-corrects for spelling mistakes. I found myself waiting for the Bold to automatically go back and correct my mistakes but instead it just left a line under the words that appeared to be misspelled. It took me more time to back up and correct the word myself than it does on the iPhone auto-correcting my miss thumb presses. I realize that the touch keyboard isn't for everyone but I type on the iPhone with 2 thumbs just like on a blackberry and I can go pretty fast.

3) Form Factor/Design. I think the Bold is a fantastic design. It looks classy (my wife even commented how nice it looked) and it feels very solid (unlike the curve which feels flimsy). The back material is great. I never thought "pleather" could look or feel so good.

I think the iPhone also looks good. It is a little thinner and narrower but it is also a little taller. The Bold feels a little chunkier in the pocket (where I carry my phone, not a holster person) but not by a lot.

4) SMS. I think it is good the way the SMSs come into your normal mailbox on the Bold. That is helpful. However, I do like the conversation (almost "IM Like" quality of the conversation approach of SMSing on the iPhone). Would call that a wash.

In conclusion, I think the Bold is great at all the things that Blackberries have become known for: email, screen, form factor, keyboard. However, they just still haven't figured out the media integration. If you want a device to do browsing, media and all of the other smart-phone stuff I just think the iPhone is the better choice.

Sorry for the length. Hope this doesn't come off as a flame on the Bold, or on Blackberries in general, because that wasn't the intent. As I said, I have a Curve for work and love it. It was really written to give some perspective for current iPhone users considering the Bold (or other smart phones for that matter). I would tell current iPhone users that the grass may appear greener on the Bold (due to push email, and better screen) but the iPhone is still the better choice if browsing and media are important.
Old 01-15-2009, 10:46 AM   #45
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Check out my comments on the thread involving "radio path unavailable" on the Bold:

I sent my 3 week old Bold back to AT&T and back to Activestink on my iPhone. Is the Bold a better enterprise level phone - without a doubt. Is it's voice radio reliable enough for daily use - not in my experience, and if you check teh growling on the net you'll see I'm not the only annoyed customer. Screen, speed, battery life and keyboard are clearly superior on the Bold, but the iPhone 3g (as well as the Tilt and Blackjack II before it) have been rock solid voice units, and what in heavens sake is a cell phone's first use? I will really miss notes/tasks synching, but WILL enjoy getting and making phone calls again.
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Old 01-15-2009, 12:09 PM   #46
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I have had 4 BlackBerries (all on Verizon , 8703, 8830, 8130, 8330) prior to getting the iPhone 3G when it was released (never got the first one either). The iPhone is a very nice phone if you're into "playing" with your phone. As everyone has already mentioned, if messaging is your thing, then that virtual keyboard is going to be an issue. I tried and tried to get used to it. I send about 500 texts and 500 emails a month from my phone and it just got too cumbersome for my tastes. I went to the At&t store to try typing on the bold and I was back in love with the BB keyboard. That's all it took to convince me. I had the iPhone for over 5 months...and I just NEVER got used to it.

I did some calculations about my phone usage and I realized that 90% of my usage on my phone is text/email based. Why on earth would I have a phone that sucked at text/email? I'm back to BB and I am right at home.
Old 01-15-2009, 01:44 PM   #47
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I went back and forth for a good two months in trying to decide between the iPhone 3G and the Bold. Frankly, I was more predisposed to the iPhone because, well, I like my iPod a lot, and I had abandoned BB a number of years back because I felt a little too connected (see my avatar -- that was my first BB, which I still have in my desk drawer).

This is why I finally decided not to get the iPhone:

Horrible battery life. No cut and paste. No video recording. Error-prone touch screen typing. No switching between applications. Crippled Bluetooth support (i.e., headsets only). Specifically and uniquely excluded from AT&T's wireless phone insurance. No enterprise support for Lotus Notes (admittedly a point peculiar to only certain of us, but there you are).

The only point I really found in the iPhone's favor (aside from the touch screen aspect on the whole) was that it provided a better web-browsing experience, mainly due to turning the unit on its side and landscape-viewing a web page.

Last edited by JasW; 01-20-2009 at 02:01 PM.. Reason: Newly discovered evidence
Old 01-20-2009, 08:04 PM   #48
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I had the Iphone for one week and ditched it!!!! Manly for most if not all the reasons written above!!!

Old 01-20-2009, 08:06 PM   #49
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I had the Iphone for one week and ditched it!!!! Manly for most if not all the reasons written above!!!

Old 01-20-2009, 11:29 PM   #50
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Don't Even Think To Buy Iphone Over Bb
Computers Will never be smarter than you !
Old 01-21-2009, 11:11 AM   #51
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I tried both.

Iphone for entertainment.

Bold for business.

choose which application works best for you. It is that simple.
Old 01-23-2009, 11:49 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by DrjonesUSA View Post
...lists only 8 or 16GB of flash drive memory - it says nothing about RAM/ROM, etc. I assume that is the same as the new solid state hard drives - so essentially, the iPhone has a tiny solid state hard drive in it.

I would assume that to mean that ALL of the storage on the iPod is available for calendar, emails, contacts, as well as apps, music, etc.

Assuming I'm correct (and I have never read anything about the iPhone having RAM) there really is no comparison between the Bold & iPhone because the cards you can put into the Bold are still only for media - you cannot use it as system memory in any way.......
The iPhone technical specifications mention nothing about how much RAM is included nor how fast the CPU is running. Apple keep some technical specifications of the iPhone and other products very secret...

Check this...

Calling host_statistics() with HOST_VM_INFO returns a count of the number of memory pages in use (the “vm_stat” tool at the command line does the same thing.) Totaling these counts shows that there are 19,500 pages of memory with each page being 4096 bytes. That’s 78,000 KB or 76.2 MB or RAM!!! Another way to determine memory size is by calling sysctl() with CTL_HW and HW_PHYSMEM. This results in 121,634,816 bytes or 117 MB being reported for physical memory. Similarly, user memory is reported as 93,605,888 bytes or 89.3 MB—close to the 76.2 MB reported by host_statistics(). None of these numbers are the nice round powers of 2 that we’re so accustomed to. I suspect that there is some kind of memory partitioning: something like a graphics chip could be using 11 MB of memory and that combined with the 117 MB of physical memory would bring the RAM total to 128 MB.

Now let’s take a look at the CPU speed. Again, sysctl() is our friend, this time using CTL_HW with HW_CPU_FREQ and HW_BUS_FREQ. The results of our test show that the CPU is specified at 400 Mhz with a bus frequency of 100 Mhz. There have been various hardware reports that place the ARM chip’s frequency above 600 Mhz. Maybe sysctl() is lying to us, or maybe the CPU is clocked down to give improved battery life.

Only Apple knows that for sure.
Old 01-25-2009, 04:53 PM   #53
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Default Beware Bold "radio Path Unavailable"

I realize this is a Blackberry site, and I loved my Curve, but the Bold is an unreliable voice radio device. Just Google "radio path unavailable" and I defy you to find EVEN ONE entry reporting this problem with an iPhone, Blackjack, or even Tilt. It is almost exclusively a BB Bold issue (although some Curve and 8800 users report the problem).

This issue makes the Bold unreliable as a voice device. It repeatedly happened 3-4 times per day - can't call out, no incoming calls, and you aren't notified of voice messages. At the same time you still receive SMS/email but so what - a phone is for making and receiving calls.

So rave on about the quality of corporate email - and stick to the Curve if that is an overriding requirement. I'll be the first to admit the iPhone is not a Blackberry - but at least you can make and receive calls.
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Old 01-25-2009, 05:31 PM   #54
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My Bold's internet is quicker than that on my iPhone. Sorry, but the iPhone which claims to be "twice as fast" is a lie and is obviously why so many people have litigation pending against Apple.

Furthermore, I do not understand why people come here and start threads asking if they should choose an iPhone or a Blackberry. It's really not our job to help you make the best decision. It is up to you, the consumer, to do the research, the comparisons, and then ultimately decide what type of device you want.

Both devices have their flaws, but the iPhone battery life is simply horrible, and you also get screwed every 2 years or so by Apple making a new device, that is almost exactly the same with the first, except with two or three different things.

Those of us who purchased the original iPhone and then went for the next generation felt screwed. Steve Jobs made all these promises about battery life improvements, and it was ultimately lies. I'm sorry, but Apple is good at serving one thing, hype. They can change one little thing, and people get all excited (the Apple fan bois) and are willing to fork over their hard earned cash. It will never happen again. I have a Curve, and Bold, and an iPhone 3g. I will not be purchasing another iPhone from Apple. I don't care if it comes with a holographic emitter for you to view items on the screen in 3D, a conceptual geometer or a time rotor, for travelling back and foward through time via the space-time vortex, never again.
Old 01-25-2009, 06:55 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by CavMan View Post
Sorry for the length. Hope this doesn't come off as a flame on the Bold, or on Blackberries in general, because that wasn't the intent. As I said, I have a Curve for work and love it. It was really written to give some perspective for current iPhone users considering the Bold (or other smart phones for that matter). I would tell current iPhone users that the grass may appear greener on the Bold (due to push email, and better screen) but the iPhone is still the better choice if browsing and media are important.
Very nice write up! Honest opinions are always welcome here

Old 01-25-2009, 10:39 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by atuarre View Post
I don't care if it comes with a holographic emitter for you to view items on the screen in 3D, a conceptual geometer or a time rotor, for travelling back and foward through time via the space-time vortex, never again.
I don't know about you guys. If the price is right, I'm all over that.
Old 01-25-2009, 11:29 PM   #57
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I have an iPhone 3G, and I've had it since launch day. But, by next week, I'll have the Bold.

I was discussing this topic tonight with a buddy of mine who also has an iPhone 3G. He's content with it the way it is, and thinks that I am crazy. He just doesn't get it

It's a collection of a lot of little things that bother me, and most are software. I bought it at the time because it did what I wanted it to THEN, and I had hopes for software updates (oooooh, google street view and emoji... just what everyone asked for...)

I really miss the status light. Like, you have no idea. I probably kill the battery on my iPhone faster because I'm checking it ever few minutes.

Custom sounds. I don't need songs, and music, and funny voices. I just want distinct sounds for my email and SMS. Tonight in the car, my iPhone beeped for new email, and my buddy and I looked at each other, "was that you? or me?" Some email isnt important - it gets no sound. Some is very important - it gets a loud sound. Some is normal - it gets another sound. I dislike having to check the email right away to find out its a scammer in Nigeria trying to get me to give him my bank account info.

And the usual - copy/paste. MMS. multitasking. Voice dialing. A useful speakerphone. Keyboard. Video recording. syncing of notes and to-do's. better bluetooth (file transfers, stereo bluetooth). Ability to attach photos and files to an email (not select picture, and then send. I want to attach a photo to an email) I want to be able to save a file from an email to my device. I want to search through my messages and notes. I'm sure there's more.

I bought the iPhone knowing all the shortcomings, and I was in love anyway. But I think the honeymoon is over, and reality is setting in. I need a device that can do more. And I think the Bold is that device.
Old 01-26-2009, 03:07 AM   #58
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I just bought a Bold over a Iphone for a couple reasons. One, I like the option of changing the battery. I know its stupid...but EVERY cell phone I ever had you had to replace the battery. Id rather do it on the fly then have to send it in. Theother reason was the durability. Im pretty hard on phones. I drop them on the regular. I have seen what a 2 inch drop does to the screen of an Iphone compared to a 2 foot drop on concrete face down with a BB. I relentlessly tried out both phones. The typing on the Iphone isnt as bad as everyone says. The internet browsing is a lot better on the Iphone and I like all the different applications that are available. Both are really good just depends on what your needs are.
Old 01-26-2009, 12:55 PM   #59
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Default UPDATE - Back to Bold (Despite Radio Path Issue)


I tried mightly to get used to the iPhone again, but just can't do it. No physical keyboard means "no email replies." AND above all else, iPhone battery life sucks. I couldn't get through a full day at the conference with just sporadic calls and daily email traffic. It drove me nuts.

I called AT&T support and demanded Level 2 (or whatever they call escalation). Got a patient young man who listened to the whole story and he just frankly told me - "Some of our RIM phones just suck" and they should have given me a replacement Bold before switching me to iPhone. Yes, it is mostly RIM that reports "radio path unavailable" particularly in new 3g zones, but the Curves and even Pearls can experience it as well. In his opinion, most returns of the Bold are either (1) bad/poor radios, and (2) iPhone envy.

So the iPhone goes back tonight and I start over apologiesto the Blackberry gods and forum readers listening to my rants...I'll just live with voice problems before enduring the switch to iPhone.

Originally Posted by dstrauss View Post
I realize this is a Blackberry site, and I loved my Curve, but the Bold is an unreliable voice radio device. Just Google "radio path unavailable" and I defy you to find EVEN ONE entry reporting this problem with an iPhone, Blackjack, or even Tilt. It is almost exclusively a BB Bold issue (although some Curve and 8800 users report the problem).

This issue makes the Bold unreliable as a voice device. It repeatedly happened 3-4 times per day - can't call out, no incoming calls, and you aren't notified of voice messages. At the same time you still receive SMS/email but so what - a phone is for making and receiving calls.

So rave on about the quality of corporate email - and stick to the Curve if that is an overriding requirement. I'll be the first to admit the iPhone is not a Blackberry - but at least you can make and receive calls.
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Last edited by dstrauss; 01-26-2009 at 01:05 PM..
Old 01-27-2009, 01:22 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by dstrauss View Post

I tried mightly to get used to the iPhone again, but just can't do it. No physical keyboard means "no email replies." AND above all else, iPhone battery life sucks. I couldn't get through a full day at the conference with just sporadic calls and daily email traffic. It drove me nuts.

I called AT&T support and demanded Level 2 (or whatever they call escalation). Got a patient young man who listened to the whole story and he just frankly told me - "Some of our RIM phones just suck" and they should have given me a replacement Bold before switching me to iPhone. Yes, it is mostly RIM that reports "radio path unavailable" particularly in new 3g zones, but the Curves and even Pearls can experience it as well. In his opinion, most returns of the Bold are either (1) bad/poor radios, and (2) iPhone envy.

So the iPhone goes back tonight and I start over apologiesto the Blackberry gods and forum readers listening to my rants...I'll just live with voice problems before enduring the switch to iPhone.
I had no idea this was an issue until I did a search and found it was the dreaded three tone note that plays when you cannot make a call. Yes, I have seen it occasionally, but at the same time I don't think it's as big of an issue as some say - I've had it happen on my bold perhaps 2 or 3 times. Any time I have heard it I just hang up and try the call again in a few seconds and it works.

I think the bold is quite good on a solid 3G network. I did a conference call recently while driving from downtown to the office with the bold on speakerphone so that all of us in the car could join in. It was solid throughout - not once did it drop or produce noise - even in that noise moving environment - during the entire 30 minute drive, into the 3rd level underground parking then up the elevator. That is a solid phone folks! Yes, it's a solid phone for phone calls - not just email.
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